Creating a customer avatar

When it comes to getting to know your customers the best place to start is with the customers you already have that offer the greatest return – this is who you want more of!

If you have a good relationship already with these customers, you could always try asking these questions directly as will be a big help!

Things to consider

Age – how old are your typical customers?

Life stages – are they at a particular milestone in life, newly engaged perhaps, close to retirement?

Sports – are they more Rugby or football?  Are they all local – would a local team be of interest?

Interests – Senior managers may be stressed!  How can you help?

Reading material – are they interested in current affairs?


Some people say drawing a person can help, then use bubbles around to describe them!


Its like dating someone and getting to know them – and this is the crucial stage where paying attention can make all the difference.  As you want these people to be tuned in when reading your content, not put to sleep!


So much to think about, how about some help?


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